2 modern era ways of life
ok here are 2 ways of living that have affected our culture greatly that have really not been around too long. I think i could do without both of these and I want to ask myself and everyone else, have these things made our society better or not?
#1 is dating. It used to be long ago that people just kind of dwelt together in communities and when a guy decided it was time to marry he would just pick out a girl and they would get married. Or, the parents would arrange the marriage. All of this dating stuff, going in and out of relationships, going through different levels of commitment and intimacy is pretty much how it works today. I think i would prefer the old way of doing this. I think i would have my best friends pick out the girl.. i thnk they could do a good job. no games, no wasted heartaches, no post break up stress, etc etc.
#2 is the whole idea of retirement/saving for retirement. I could probably type a lot about this but i will try to keep it simple for now. Some people view life as work, work, work, then you can live your life when you retire. im not saying all view it like this, but some do. they figure they have to "regain the years lost" for the 20, 30, or 40 years they "lost" at work. well, what i want to say is that no matter how long you live, you are limited to the number of years you live, so even if i live to be 100, i dont want to lose any of them. i think if your job is causing you to feel like you are losing years of your life then you shouldnt be there. we shoud find jobs that we love to do, then we wouldnt be so consumed with, "gosh when can i retire?" now, i dont think that we should have to do our jobs until the day we die.. dont hear me saying that. i just think that if u work until you are 55 or 60, then all you do is sail around the world for 20 or 30 years, i kinda think that is wasting your life. people in this world got a long just fine without saving for retirement and worrying how much money they had stored away for them. Well, i will stop there and maybe add more to this later.